Sunday, January 22, 2012

Empathy Gene

      According to studies, perhaps the reason why a person you might come across is more caring and kind that average could be because of there genes. There have been studies done previously, that showed links of traits to a certain gene variation. This gene the the receptor for a chemical made by the brain called oxytocin. This particular chemical has earned the nickname "love hormone" because of the role it plays expressing the feelings we feel such as anxiety, bonding and empathy. The division between the variates of the oxytocin chemical appear in the "G" and "A" variates. While people with two "G"'s tend to be better at socializing and are more confidant while the people who contain at least one "A" often have more mental health issues, are more likely to be autistic and find dealing with stress hard.

      I found this article to be interesting because I always thought that the kindness we express, and the kind of person you are, or empathy is something that has to be taught while growing up. I believed that the level of kindness and caring depended on your surrounding environment. So I was quite intrigued when I read that the level and willingness to express feeling and emotions to people is wired into to your DNA. 

1 comment:

  1. I personally would like to believe that an intricate balance of your genes and environment help shape who you are. It's sad to imagine that a single mutation in my DNA can make me have a miserable personality. Good work!
