Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Candy Molecules

Last science class we did a very fun little lab with candy. We had to take all types of candy and make molecules out of the candy. We had to put the candy on a paper and draw the valence electrons and demonstrate the bonds.

1.) This was the sodium chloride molecule, represented as NaCl. Here a chocolate marshmallow represented the chloride element and a little sour orange loop represented the sodium element. Then around the Cl we drew the 7 valence electrons and around the Na we drew the 1 valence electron.

2.) This was the water molecule, that is represented as H20. Here the small strawberry, red colored candy represents the Oxygen element and the small sour, orange rings represent the two hydrogen elements. Then around the O element we drew 6 valence electrons and then around the two H elements we put 1 valence electron around each.

3.) This was the carbon dioxide molecule or the CO2 molecule. Here the chocolate covered marshmallow was the carbon element and the two little orange, sour hoops were the two oxygen elements. Then around the C we drew 4 valence electrons and then around the two O's we drew 6 valence electrons each.
4.) This molecule was CH4. This is one that we made a mistake on when writing out the valence electrons because instead of one valence electron for each hydrogen element we put the wrong number of electrons. There are also actually FOUR gummy bears that surround the single turkish delight not four. Here we have, as mentioned before, the gummy bears that represent the hydrogen elements and the turkish delight that represents the carbon element.

All in all this was a really fun lab, I learned a lot and had fun. We also were allowed to eat all the candy later which made it even more interactive.

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