Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Current Events: Cars of the Future

      These new cars were shown first in January in Las Vegas. The cars are small, almost egg shaped and very colorful. These cars are electric, only have two wheels and only hold two passenger. They are super easy to park because six of these cars would fit into the parking spot of one average sized car. Yet you wouldn't even have to park this car because it can even park itself! This car is the EN-V, built be Green Motors, a car company that supports the inventions of new and greener cars. People are trying to make cars like this to help the planet, help people and just be all around more practical. Some cars will even be able to remind you to do things. Some engineers are actually trying to make so that the car actually gets to know the people it is driving around. These cars will make big impacts on our daily lives. The cars will not only get to know there passenger better but can look out for their health as well, recognizing emotions and detecting changes. Engineers are also hoping to decrease number of pedestrians hit, or car crashes with these new cars, building them for the safety of the person inside and other around them.
      I think these cars are a great new addition to technology because with them our lives will be so much easier. Parking or getting our cars wont have to be done and even things such as diabetes, can be tracked and monitored using these cars. I think this article was extremely interesting, especially for me, because when I am able to drive I wonder what the cars will look like. Will we have gone with the new trends and created safer, better and more practical cars or will we have stuck in the old ways and have the same types of cars we have now. As for the ideas this article is proposing I believe with the completely, I think we can't rule out cars altogether because they are a big part of daily life, but we can make them more eco-friendly by improving them and making them greener.

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