Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Bad Science Blogpost

       One day two researchers, Louis Jolyon West and Chester M. Pierce, in 1962, decided to test the effects of the drug LSD on Tusko, an elephant for nothing more then to just see the effects it would have on the elephant. Since they did not know the amount it would take to have an effect on Tusko so they gave him 3000 time the amount humans take, which is around 297 milligrams. Even though an elephant's weight in 90 times of that of a human, they didn't want to under dose him and that have to give him more. After the drugs were given to Tusko, he started running around his pen in circles, crazed. Then after he lost control of his movement, he started to have seizures and collapsed onto the floor. Yet even after they tried to counter the drug with an antipsychotic the attempts were useless. The seizures were reduced only slightly when Tusko then dropped to the floor and died. 

     This is an example of not only bad science but also blatant cruelty to animals. The experiment also proved to be a useless contribution the the field of science, it's not as if Tusko was somehow validated through the discovery of a cure for an illness, or something helpful to mankind, he simply died in vain.

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