Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Onion Root Tips

Guiding Question: Approximately how much time do cells spend in each phase of the cell cycle?

To answer this questions we used a online activity that was a simulation. In this simulation we looked at pictures of cells that were in different stages of mitosis and had to classify them into Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase and Telophase. From looking at the amounts of cells that were in each category we were able to conclude that the phase that cells are in the most is Interphase, when they are a simple cell, and then one they are in the least is Telophase, which is where the chromosomes have split into their own separate cells.  In the table the amount of certain cells that were in a category had to be in number out of 36 and then a percent out of 100. To find the percents we took the amount and divided it by 36. From this we then got the different percentages.

Perform the onion root tip simulation and tabulate the number of cells in each phase. Construct an appropriate graph using your data to present the relative time a cell spends in each phase of the cell cycle.

 Conclusion: As we can see from the two pictures in this post we can conclude that cells spend most of there time in interphase and least of their time in telophase.

1 comment:

  1. Why would interphase be the longest? What happens during interphase?
